Monday, November 28, 2011

Live Christmas Tree Tips:

Nothing beats the smell of a real Christmas tree,
and Lowe's offers a great selection of freshly cut evergreens.
Here's how to keep your tree fresh for the holidays.

(You can even make your own drum-shaped tree stand.)

1. If the tree is precut, trim a half inch off the bottom
of the trunk before putting it in the tree stand.

2. Water the tree daily.
Make sure the trunk is always submerged in water.

3. Use a tree stand that fits your tree so you
don't have to whittle down the trunk.

4. Keep the tree sway from heat sources like
vents or a fireplace so it doesn't dry out too quickly.

Decorate with LED lights.
They stay cool to the touch.

Need any more Creative Ideas?

Sunday, November 13, 2011


It seems like every holiday I'm always trying to find
FUN crafts for the kids to do...

Pine cone & Tissue paper

Popsicle sticks & Buttons

Hand print Turkey

Your Favorite Food in a Cornucopia

Indian Corn with Beans

I love this one!

All these Crafts are Cheap & Easy Clean up!
Need any other FUN ideas or Printable Coloring pages
Visit: All Kids Network
They have some GREAT ideas!!

More FUN ideas and things to make!
Coming SOON :)